Tomorrow Kayla comes for her 4 days visit.
Still having car problems, but new ones now....i think i need a new muffler, and might have gotten bad gas last week, so i might need a new fuel pump or fuel filter. So...that right there would be about $600 give or take. Even if it's just a muffler, it might still cost me $300-$500. I have no where near that kind of money right now, and I have no clue what to do. I wish I could say I can just wait until i get my income tax, but...not sure if it will wait that long, if not do more damage.
As if i didn't have enough to stress about, now i have to worry about the car giving me problems while Kayla is here. I'm still nervous about my dad being okay here while we're out. And to be quite honest, I am not happy about spending money this weekend, when i know i should be putting it aside to fix the fucking car.
Part of me is thinking it would be smarter to attempt to get another car. But, since i cut my hours at work, i would never be able to afford it. Plus, if God forbide, i end up having to take that 6 weeks of paid leave, that would totally screw me up with paying any kind of bills. I have no prob keeping the car i's nice not having a car payment every month, but if i have no way of paying for these fucking repairs... Of course i wouldn't be able to get another car if i didn't have a down payment or a decent trade in anyways.
So, basically i'm fucked.
Please God...let everything go alright during the visit with Kayla. No major crisis. And PLEASE at least let the car be okay until i get this damn bonus I'm supposed to get from work. That would prob pay for at least part of the repairs.