Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Precious, and other thoughts

I just watched Precious. It was good, but fucking depressing as hell. I mean, I know it would have been incredibly unrealistic if it had a happy ending, but still...
But, in a way I guess it did have a partial happy ending. Precious got away from her psycho mother, and got her kids back. Anyhow, it was a good movie. Mo'nique was amazing as the psycho mom. And Mariah fucking Carey can actually act. Oh, and I never realized how hot Lenny Kravitz is. Yum. I was kinda hoping that he would make a play for Precious to give us big girls some hope. LOL.

So, I'm not done bitching about House and Ms Blogger Laura Prepon. She actually blogged about needing heart surgery and had her readers vote on which kind of valve she should get. Can you say incredibly implausible???? I mean, I am far from a blogging queen, but everything about that character was fake and impossible. The minute she finds out she's not going to die...she blogs about it instead of spending time with her boyfriend. It was absurdly insulting to think someone would act like that given the situation.Besides, no one's life is interesting enough to have hundreds of readers that generate dozens of comments nearly instantaneously. And no, I am not saying that because I wish *I* had that many readers...hell, I wouldn't want that many people reading my ramblings. It just bugs me when they get things THAT fucking wrong in one of the few TV shows I actually watch anymore.

And here's a point I remembered last night before I even watched the episode. There was an older ep where a Video Game designer blogged about his symptoms and had his readers give their opinions on what kind of treatment he should get, talked about his Drs etc. Again...makes. no. sense. So, not only was it a stupid and unrealistic story idea, but it had already been done on the same show, in the same damn season. Very disappointing.

Moving on....

Dad is spending most of his afternoon, napping. I'm happy he's resting, but he gets very confused when he sleeps during the day. But, I promised I would let him rest, since he has been having trouble sleeping again. I need to be a good daughter and be happy he's resting. He needs as much as he can get.

Nothing much else is going on today. And here is yet another reason why I find it so hard to keep up on a journal. My life is so damn boring, or full of so many problems that i get tired of laying out just how crappy my life really is. But, again...I am going to try. It's good for the soul. Lord knows that I don't have anyone around me in my daily life who can listen to my problems. Why not put it out on the internet for no one to read. Honestly, I think I am the only person in the world who has a blog that no one else reads. But that's okay. I wouldn't read about my life, either.

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