Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So, the last week or so has had it's ups and downs.

My dad's dr appt didn't go very well. He ordered a chest x ray because he couldn't hear his lungs very well. Sure enough, there's fluid building up in them. So he doubled his Lasix meds. He's also doing breathing treatments 3 times a day.

Work has been....frustrating. i feel like such an outsider there. I don't talk to anyone anymore. I'm treated like an outcast ever since my boss put me back on register full time. I have so much...pent up pain and sadness wrapped up in that place. It's so toxic for me, but I have no way of escape.

The swelling in my lymph nodes have gone down finally. The car isn't running that well...kind of stuttering a little at times, and still has the vibration when i apply the brakes sometimes.

I've decided to try and get back into writing again. Not sure how that will turn out. Esp since ATH is absolutely a ghost town these days, and...again...I feel like an outsider on CT. Plus, there's the whole fact that Lisa is still a psycho, and I don't really enjoy the idea of her reading my stories and then commenting on them with her band of followers. I know how fucking catty she is. I used to be on the receiving end of her little cruel commentaries about some of the people on IOC. I joined Carlie's board, which is also quiet, but I guess I will focus on posting my old stuff there for now. I wrote a whopping 2 chapters of Mirror since Monday. But, i'm not pushing myself.

Other than that....not much going on really. I'm holding on til May 6 for my vacay. I need some time off desperately. I also HAVE to remember to put in for the time off in August when Kayla is coming to visit. I keep forgetting, and since Kayla has already bought her ticket, and booked her room, I can't wait until Char thinks it's too late to request it off.

Some days....even though i adore my father, and wouldn't trade the time i have with him for *anything*, I wish I had a different life. A happier, less stressful life.

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