Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some days...

I want to curl up into a little ball and fucking disappear.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Weekend with Kayla went much better than expected.

Had to come home early on my first day back to work today because my dad was sick. He says he's better now. But, now i am panicking about getting reamed out tomorrow by my boss. the last thing i fucking need right now is to either get suspended, or written up again. God...i don't fucking need this today. :(

Friday, August 6, 2010


Tomorrow Kayla comes for her 4 days visit.

Still having car problems, but new ones now....i think i need a new muffler, and might have gotten bad gas last week, so i might need a new fuel pump or fuel filter. So...that right there would be about $600 give or take. Even if it's just a muffler, it might still cost me $300-$500. I have no where near that kind of money right now, and I have no clue what to do. I wish I could say I can just wait until i get my income tax, but...not sure if it will wait that long, if not do more damage.

As if i didn't have enough to stress about, now i have to worry about the car giving me problems while Kayla is here. I'm still nervous about my dad being okay here while we're out. And to be quite honest, I am not happy about spending money this weekend, when i know i should be putting it aside to fix the fucking car.

Part of me is thinking it would be smarter to attempt to get another car. But, since i cut my hours at work, i would never be able to afford it. Plus, if God forbide, i end up having to take that 6 weeks of paid leave, that would totally screw me up with paying any kind of bills. I have no prob keeping the car i's nice not having a car payment every month, but if i have no way of paying for these fucking repairs... Of course i wouldn't be able to get another car if i didn't have a down payment or a decent trade in anyways.

So, basically i'm fucked.

Please God...let everything go alright during the visit with Kayla. No major crisis. And PLEASE at least let the car be okay until i get this damn bonus I'm supposed to get from work. That would prob pay for at least part of the repairs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I know i sound like a damn broken record, but i SO need to try and keep up with this journal. It's supposed to be my outlet, and Lord knows i need one. but i just...never think about writing.

I need to change that. *sigh*

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Waiting for the Dr to come for his visit with my dad.

I feel like I'm going to be sick. Honestly...I have worked myself up so much, that I feel physically sick.

I just want this done and over with. My nerves are fucking shot.


Dr appt went went ok. Now my dad is having bad pains in his left side. He said they feel like muscle spasms, but he's not sure.
I honestly don't know what to do, and i feel like screaming.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Short and sweet

My dad's last dr appointment didn't go well. his o2 level was very low, and the dr freaked out. even though my dad's blood work came back fine, and his last xray looked clear, the dr decided to bring up the subject of hospice care. this completely devastated me, and long story short, he's coming back on June 3 to discuss it with us.

Dad has decided, and I agree, that he doesn't need that. He is feeling much better than he has been for a long time, and while he does have breathing problems at times, it's not to the point of completely throwing up our hands and giving up, the way the dr made it sound.

I am nervous about the appointment. i am nervous that it's going to be a disaster, and that the dr will say he no longer can treat my dad. which means...well, that we're screwed.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Winding Down...

My vacay hasn't been all that I had hoped it would be. Mainly because my dad has had a rough night every night since it started. I haven't done much. Haven't accomplished anything. Hell, I didn't even mow the lawn like i meant to the other day. Oh well...I honestly don't give a shit.

Kayla & Kevin's flight was canceled this morning, so they won't get into Florida until tomorrow. She has been getting closer and closer to telling me that she feels about Lee, the was she does about Dave. I expect the confession any day now.

Lee's Homecoming videos..remind me so much of when Dave went back to KC. So many aspects of Lee's time on Idol, and hell...just Lee the person, remind me in some way of DC.

Trying not to get too overly depressed about returning to work on Wednesday. My schedule sucks, no shock there. But, she gave me off on Saturday, which means I'm going to have 2 crappy paychecks in a row.

Life is otherwise uneventful. Which I guess, is a good thing for the most part.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So, this is day 6 of my vacation, and so far it's been....okay. My dad has had a few rough days, but overall I guess everything is alright. i know, i sound so overwhelmed with joy. but, i'm embracing my miserable bitch side these days. I mean, I'm already counting down til I have to go back, and i *still* have over a week. I'm such a fucking dumbass.

Kayla has become obsessed with Lee on AI. I knew it was coming...though she tried to act like he didn't have any affect on her. but now he's basically all she talks about. she still won't admit to this now, but this is exactly how the obsession with DC started. By the time she comes out here in August...

Ugh...don't remind me about August. I'm fucking dreading it. Wow, I'm some best friend...dreading a visit with her. But, I'm just...a pathetic loner and don't deal well with bonding in person. LOL

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More of the same...

The past month has been...crappy.

Lots of problems with my dad, stress with work...the usual.

I was really hoping that kayla wouldn't find out about Daughtry playing in AC while she's here in August. First of all, I'm not a fan, and secondly, I can't afford $200 for a fucking concert. But, thanks to Kevin, she knows. And i know what's going to happen....she's going to try and convince me to go. And even if we don't...she's bound to have a shit load of her drunk friends in town that she's going to want to hang out with. Just fucking great. As if i'm not dreading this weekend enough.

Yes...Kayla is my best friend. Yes...I want to see her. BUT....her being here for 4 days is going to be awkward. She knows I have to spend a lot of that time at home taking care of my dad, and I know she didn't feel comfortable when she was at my house 2 years ago. Yes, she's staying at the Borgata, but still...either she's going to end up spending the majority of her time at the hotel by herself (or more likely now, drinking with her other friends), or she'll be here pretending like she doesn't want to get the hell away. Plus, I was already stressing about how much the Kris Allen tickets were going to cost me...there is no way i can manage $200 (and that's through the Tropicana. If we had to get tickets through Stubhub, it would be a LOT more).

I honestly can't even stress about this right now. I was up all night with my dad, and I'm about ready to pass the fuck out.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I plan on dropping the car off at the shop, and having him look at the brakes. I am PRAYING it's only warped rotors and nothing more serious/expensive. It's been only a year since i got the brakes done, so it would fucking piss me off to no end if i had to have them done already.

I need a little bit of good news for a change. :(

Monday, April 5, 2010

Short and Sweet

As if this week wasn't crappy enough already...the bank is dicking around with me again with my dad's check. if it's not in by morning, i have to drag my ass to the bank and fight with those assholes. again.

i can't stand this....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

If i ever.......

...came on here to write happy things, that would be the day that someone can be assured that i have been abducted by aliens.


More problems with my dad. Now his blood sugar is running high. It was over 200 when all he had to eat was a bagel and coffee. He has literally been so good about watching the sugar lately, i don't understand what's going on? I mean...he drinks diet soda. Using sugar substitute in his coffee. He has cut WAY back on cookies etc, and still...his sugar is high. i was thinking maybe it had to do with him being on a higher dose of the water pill....he gets thirsty a lot and pees all the time. But he always does that when he takes the water pill. now I'm worried that it's not the water pill but the diabetes going crazy.

fuck. I don't know what to do. I mean, it seems like when i make adjustments for one problem, something else pops up and knocks me on my ass all over again. i feel like such a fucking failure. like no matter what i's never enough. it's never the right thing for him.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So, the last week or so has had it's ups and downs.

My dad's dr appt didn't go very well. He ordered a chest x ray because he couldn't hear his lungs very well. Sure enough, there's fluid building up in them. So he doubled his Lasix meds. He's also doing breathing treatments 3 times a day.

Work has been....frustrating. i feel like such an outsider there. I don't talk to anyone anymore. I'm treated like an outcast ever since my boss put me back on register full time. I have so much...pent up pain and sadness wrapped up in that place. It's so toxic for me, but I have no way of escape.

The swelling in my lymph nodes have gone down finally. The car isn't running that well...kind of stuttering a little at times, and still has the vibration when i apply the brakes sometimes.

I've decided to try and get back into writing again. Not sure how that will turn out. Esp since ATH is absolutely a ghost town these days, and...again...I feel like an outsider on CT. Plus, there's the whole fact that Lisa is still a psycho, and I don't really enjoy the idea of her reading my stories and then commenting on them with her band of followers. I know how fucking catty she is. I used to be on the receiving end of her little cruel commentaries about some of the people on IOC. I joined Carlie's board, which is also quiet, but I guess I will focus on posting my old stuff there for now. I wrote a whopping 2 chapters of Mirror since Monday. But, i'm not pushing myself.

Other than that....not much going on really. I'm holding on til May 6 for my vacay. I need some time off desperately. I also HAVE to remember to put in for the time off in August when Kayla is coming to visit. I keep forgetting, and since Kayla has already bought her ticket, and booked her room, I can't wait until Char thinks it's too late to request it off.

Some days....even though i adore my father, and wouldn't trade the time i have with him for *anything*, I wish I had a different life. A happier, less stressful life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More and more...

Dr Bolich was out to see my dad today. His O2 level was low, even after the dr pumped up the machine to 5 liters. So, he ordered a chest xray. Plus, he said he had trouble hearing his lungs. AND, he was supposed to be using his nebulizer ever since he came out of the hospital, but I didn't know that, because I never got a script for the machine etc. But, somehow the dr made it seem like i just wasn't giving it to him. Then he made a big deal of checking all his meds to make sure he was taking everything he's supposed to. I feel like a complete fucking failure right now. And I have to turn around and deal with fucking work tomorrow on top of ALLLLL of this other shit that is piling up on me.

I'm such a fucking wreck right now. The last thing I needed was more fucking stress, and this is just about enough to push me over the edge into some kind of downward spiral.

Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Days Of Freedom

After the week I had, I am so damn grateful to be off from work for the next 3 days.

My neck was hurting really badly when I woke up this morning. I think it was mainly because I slept with my head in an awkward position. Of course, I have my period, and I have been an emotional basketcase the last couple of days too...mainly over the swollen lymph nodes. I promised myself I wouldn't obsess over them anymore, but it's impossible not to. I look on the internet, and all I see are contradictions and doom and gloom. It's making me feel even worse, so I need to stop. I'm hoping it's mainly due to the rash I have on my scalp. It's on the back of my head on the right, so it would make sense that the nodes would swell only on that side, which it is right now. Also, the node behind my ear has gotten smaller over the last 2 days, so I'm trying not to panic, and be positive about things.

I'm planning on watching DWTS, and than turning in for an early night for a change. Let's see if that actually happens, or if i end up being awake until 2-3am.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More stress

My dad is doing much better.

I have swelling behind my right ear, and on my neck. Also, what feels like a bumpy rash on the back of my head. I have no fucking clue what's going on, but the swelling behind my ear started about 2-3 days ago. I felt the swelling on my neck this morning. My sinuses were bothering me yesterday, so i assumed that my lymph nodes were swollen because of that. But the sinuses seem okay today, but the swelling is still there. The little bump behind my ear seems to be a little smaller.

I've been looking it up on the internet, which can be helpful at times, but mostly just accomplishes other than scaring me even more. Sometimes the areas are really sore when i touch it, and others it's not. Sometimes it feels warm, sometimes it doesn't. I'm confused and nervous, and stressed, and .....about ready to cry.

I just want it to go away. Or at least not get any worse, and than go away over the next week or so. I'm not asking for a miracle.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


My dad slept off and on all day and night yesterday, and so far, is doing better today.

I have a small lump behind my right ear. I believe my dad had the same thing last year. I'm hoping it's just a swollen gland, or maybe a spider bite, and will go away in a couple of days. I don't need the stress of worrying about being sick now, on top of everything else.

Watched a bunch of crappy movies yesterday...The Fourth Kind being the exception. That was actually really good.

Not much else to report. My life is fucking boring as hell.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I hate titles

This week has been trying.

Dad has been having a rough week. I have been getting little to no sleep. The stress is getting to me.

I haven't been able to focus on reading for about 2 weeks now, which makes me feel out of sorts. I have been watching a LOT of Clean House, and feeling like shit.

Kayla is planning on coming out to see me for 3 days on August 7th. We're supposed to go see Kris Allen at the Borgata (where she will be staying), and she's getting her tattoo. I love her to death, and it will be nice to spend time with her again, but honestly...3 full days seems a little excessive. I mean, there is NOTHING to do around here. And I'm hardly the party animal she is. So, I have no idea what we're going to do for all that time. Whatever...that's 5 months, and a lifetime away.

DC is supposed to be on Idol tomorrow. Doing a Stones cover. Woo. Hoo. Honestly, I will always love the boy, but I am not really thrilled with the idea of him just making his required appearance to do a lame-ass cover song, instead of one of the new songs he's supposed to have been writing since December.

Yes, attitude sucks over the last week. I can't really muster up much enthusiasm over anything. Work is slowly driving me mad, i am fucking exhausted, I'm stressed out over my dad and the million and one other problems I'm trying to deal with. I can't seem to escape into my head, or into a book like i have been the last year or so. And that fucking depresses me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another Fucked Up Day

Today has been a nightmare.

Started with my finding a rash on my dad's right hip that looks like it's heading towards bed sores. Than, the storm knocked out the power at work, but they wouldn't let me leave early, even when I couldn't get in touch with my dad. So, i've been a wreck all fucking day.

I put some aloe cream on the rash, and I'm praying that it at the very least doesn't get any worse, and hopefully starts to get better. God, so many damn things to worry about...

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Out of fucking nowhere, I am starting to panic about stuff. Like that the landlord will want us to move when the lease is up in July. I have no clue where that came from, but now I'm all stressed. Shit like this always happens when I get ready to go back to work after a few days. My brain always finds something to stress out over. I hate this. I hate it. :(

Where the HELL have I been?!

I just now discovered the beauty of this man...what the FUCK is my problem???!!

I rented the movie Carriers and...within about the first 30 seconds, I was nearly fucking drooling all over myself over him. I mean, I knew OF him, and had seen the commercials for Star Trek, but I guess I never really paid attention to him before now.

First of all, he reminds me a little bit of DC...the lips, and the smirk, and a little bit in the way he carries himself.

Plus, I'm reading Lover Eternal right now, and he is just about the perfect Rhage.

Oh, and when I typed his name into Google, one of the the searches I came up with was "Chris Pine Bulge". And by some of those pictures, he seems to have something else in common with DC. :P

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have a gift

If there is a shitty movie out there, I will watch it. And the sad thing is, in this instance, I actually PAID $5 for the privilege of watching said piece of shit film. I am a fucking moron.

The name of the movie was The Box, and it seriously was one of the worst movie I have ever seen. But, it wasn't an entertaining kind of was just painfully bad. But still, I couldn't look some kind of car wreck. *shakes head* Oh, and as i'm watching it, I'm saying to myself...this has the feel of a wanna be hip indie movie. Kind of like a Donnie Darko, only gone horribly, horribly wrong. And what do I find out at the end? That it was written and directed by Richard Fucking Kelly....the man who did Donnie Darko!!!! That just makes the entire thing even fucking worse!!!! *screams in frustration*

Corey #1

I just heard on HLN that Corey Haim died this morning.
I don't even know what to say. I have so many memories....really amazing childhood memories, tied into some of his movies. This just makes me so damn sad. What a fucking waste. *sigh*
Why do I feel like this is just going to end up being in opportunity for Feldmen to be on every talk show imaginable? I have no doubt he wouldn't think twice about using this as another way to get some publicity. And that literally makes me fucking sick.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday's Eye-Candy

No words are needed. Nope...not at all. *sigh*

Precious, and other thoughts

I just watched Precious. It was good, but fucking depressing as hell. I mean, I know it would have been incredibly unrealistic if it had a happy ending, but still...
But, in a way I guess it did have a partial happy ending. Precious got away from her psycho mother, and got her kids back. Anyhow, it was a good movie. Mo'nique was amazing as the psycho mom. And Mariah fucking Carey can actually act. Oh, and I never realized how hot Lenny Kravitz is. Yum. I was kinda hoping that he would make a play for Precious to give us big girls some hope. LOL.

So, I'm not done bitching about House and Ms Blogger Laura Prepon. She actually blogged about needing heart surgery and had her readers vote on which kind of valve she should get. Can you say incredibly implausible???? I mean, I am far from a blogging queen, but everything about that character was fake and impossible. The minute she finds out she's not going to die...she blogs about it instead of spending time with her boyfriend. It was absurdly insulting to think someone would act like that given the situation.Besides, no one's life is interesting enough to have hundreds of readers that generate dozens of comments nearly instantaneously. And no, I am not saying that because I wish *I* had that many readers...hell, I wouldn't want that many people reading my ramblings. It just bugs me when they get things THAT fucking wrong in one of the few TV shows I actually watch anymore.

And here's a point I remembered last night before I even watched the episode. There was an older ep where a Video Game designer blogged about his symptoms and had his readers give their opinions on what kind of treatment he should get, talked about his Drs etc. Again...makes. no. sense. So, not only was it a stupid and unrealistic story idea, but it had already been done on the same show, in the same damn season. Very disappointing.

Moving on....

Dad is spending most of his afternoon, napping. I'm happy he's resting, but he gets very confused when he sleeps during the day. But, I promised I would let him rest, since he has been having trouble sleeping again. I need to be a good daughter and be happy he's resting. He needs as much as he can get.

Nothing much else is going on today. And here is yet another reason why I find it so hard to keep up on a journal. My life is so damn boring, or full of so many problems that i get tired of laying out just how crappy my life really is. But, again...I am going to try. It's good for the soul. Lord knows that I don't have anyone around me in my daily life who can listen to my problems. Why not put it out on the internet for no one to read. Honestly, I think I am the only person in the world who has a blog that no one else reads. But that's okay. I wouldn't read about my life, either.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I was watching the beginning of House, and there's Laura Prepon playing a blogger who .... spoiler warning... develops a mystery illness that Dr House needs to figure out. Anyhow, I decided that, yet again, I need to make an effort to keep a journal of my fucked up life. I have been doing this off and on since I was 16, so I really need to try to make an effort to get back into it. Of course I have so started and abandoned so many fucking journals over the years, I won't be surprised if I just give up on this one as well.

So, something that bugged me about Laura Prepon the blogger. She's sitting at home at 2am typing away, and supposedly getting nearly instant feedback from her scores of avid readers. Now, excuse me but I find it very hard to believe that anyone would be hanging on every word that she wrote, considering she's supposedly only writing about her daily life. Maybe I'm just used to no one reading *my* blogs...maybe there are people who have dozens of people sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for someone to update that they went to the dentist.

I need a new title for this journal. Something...inspired.

ETA: I decided on using lyrics from Crime Scene Pt 1. It'll do for now.